More Labelling Changes? Cosmetic Labelling Regulation Changes in Countries around the World

If you are looking to start a cosmetic business in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, and Wales), it is essential that you comply with the relevant regulations. The UK Cosmetic Regulation was put in place to ensure that all cosmetic products sold in the UK are safe and fit for purpose. The Regulation is a […]

Animal Testing for Cosmetics is Back in the UK in 2023

The UK government had banned the testing of makeup ingredients on animals for more than two decades when it quietly reversed its stance in 2019. It began issuing licenses for animal testing of cosmetic ingredients in line with European Union rules, which don’t allow animal testing to determine whether makeup is safe for consumers, but […]

Trends and Predictions for Cosmetics Labels & Packaging in 2023

Packaging and labelling represents a hugely important part of your cosmetics product. It’s your first line of advertising and marketing and can make the difference between a prospective customer taking a closer look or taking a pass. Cosmetics packaging is also a rapidly changing landscape, as consumer expectations and sensibilities change, and novel packaging materials […]

7 Celebrities Fuelling the Vegan Cosmetics Revolution

Once perceived as something for overly health-conscious people, the vegan lifestyle is now one of the most popular lifestyle trends of the 21st century. 2019, to be precise, was declared the year of the vegan, and the trend is not showing signs of receding any time soon. This has a ripple effect with the demand […]

Is Animal Testing for Cosmetics About to Come Back to the UK?

Animal Cruelty

Animal rights campaigners had worked for decades to end animal testing for cosmetics and, in 2009, a long-awaited EU-wide ban was introduced. Four years later, a ban on the sale of goods tested on animals anywhere in the world was implemented, leading many to believe that the campaign for cruelty-free cosmetics was officially won. But […]

5 Big Trends in the Cosmetics Market in 2022

The huge demand for cosmetics is influenced by awareness among people about the benefits of cosmetics for their skin and hair which uplifted their average expenditure on cosmetics. Moreover, the increasing trend for sun care products, night skin repair creams, fresh face mists is likely to boost demand for cosmetic products in future, hence, paving […]

Elevate Your Label Design

The imagery and messaging on your label should be, to the best of your ability, an accurate representation of what consumers will find inside of the packaging. This need for honesty is especially true when design food labels or any other products people will consume or use for their body. You know your product best, […]

Stand Out on the Shelf

Appearance matters in the cosmetics industry. There’s a lot of pressure for product packaging to portray the end results –even when working with small surfaces. Peel and reveal labels can help with small packages and products. While trying to catch the consumer’s eye, there are still regulations products must follow. Regardless of your product line, […]

Placing Your Cosmetics on the EU Market

The Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 has enforced several obligations when it comes to placing a cosmetic and personal care product on the European market. For most manufacturers and distributors of the cosmetics & personal care products industry, the European Cosmetic Regulation no 1223/2009 enforces measures that have to be fulfilled before placing a cosmetic product on […]

Cosmetic Label Designs to Build Loyalty

If you own a beauty or cosmetics line, the potential for some serious business is there. But it also means if you want to grab that business and take it for yourself, you’re going to need to find a way to break through the clutter, jump off the shelf at Sephora, and tell your ideal […]